Monday, October 04, 2004

Day 1

I've now completed my final cycling event of the year, the 140 mile, 2 day, bike to the beach supporting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Today I was taunted by my online training guide informing me that today's schedule has 3 miles of running. I don't think I'll be doing that. Tomorrow has cross training on tap... that might happen, though I may sit on the couch.
Below is a brief recap of the ride. It was a great way to end the season. I think I'm ready to hit the marathon training hard... Wednesday.

Brief recap:
7:55am, 10-2--the temperature drops about 5 degrees and the wind shifts. Cold front comes into San Antonio.
8:00am--Ride starts.
8:10am--Rain starts.
10:00am--Rain stops.
12:00pm--Rain starts again.
12:30pm--Rain stops again. We were riding right on the front edge of the cold front, so we kept coming into and out of the rain. At this point we got in front of the rain and stayed there. No more rain for the rest of the ride.
2:30pm-ish--Hit the camp. Good ride.... no, great ride.
8:00am, 10-3--Launch. I'm almost certain I'm behind my other teammates, so I'm cranking hard out of the gates.
10:30-ish--Lunch. Mmmmm.... Still haven't caught up to the other riders. Back on the road in 30minutes. Lots of riders still around me, very different from last year.
11:30--Last hill passed. Rest stop ahead. The whole route from here is flat and into the wind. 17 miles to go... roughly another hour. I'm now almost certain I left before my riding parnters. I haven't seen hide nor hair of any of them.
11:50am--Last rest stop reached. Passed a kid I met yesterday who is 14, planning on getting his race license next year, and was fighting like a crazy person against the wind. For any of you who care, tuck your knees in, get your head down, pick a low gear, a steady pace, and that old guy who's twice your age you dropped yesterday won't blow by you like your standing still. Passing him felt good... real good.
12:20pm--Finish line. Hit my goal of finishing before 12:30. Spotted my riding partners. Turns out they left a little after me (not much) and finished a little before me (also, not much). I think they passed me at one of the rest stops--they only hit the even ones, and I hit all 3 after lunch. Next time I'll have a better description than "The one in black shorts and a bike helmet".
Hekkuva ride... now time to train for the marathon... Wednesday.


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