Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The definition of "nerd"

There's actually a reason behind this.
I used Microsoft Excel and a few formulas to create a metric clock.
Here's how you do it:
Metric time has 100 seconds per minute, 100 minutes per hour, and 25 hours per day.  Midnight is 00.0000.  "Noon", or midday, would be 12.5000.  No more need for AM/PM. 
A metric hour is equal to 57.6 traditional minutes.  If we still worked a "traditional" 40 hour week, it'd be like giving ourselves 4% more spare time to spend with the fam or whatever...  an extra 20 minutes a week (.3472 hours) is a good couple of miles (or more) running if you're into that sort of thing.
Roughly 2.89 metric seconds equal 1 traditional second.
blah blah blah...  the formula then gives you the current metric time.
As I'm writing this, the metric time is 2.6842.
Why?  What possible reason?
Well, awhile back there was an accident.  Yucky things happened.  We got to wondering if we could get anything in the world to help out, what would it be.  Answer?  An extra hour in the day.  Where the hell do you come up with a 25 hour day?  Go metric, baby*.
How do you calculate a metric day?  Read above.
*Technically it's only an extra 57.6 traditional minutes, but it's 25 equal 57.6 minute segments which, for all intents and purposes, is an extra hour since you're redefining your hour down to a mere 57.6 traditional minutes, or 100 metric minutes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a "class act"!

11:58 AM  

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