Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Day 2

Today's training was cross training. I'm not going to do that. I'm chalking up another rest day. Take that, online trainer.

Yesterday I leave the office for lunch and as I'm heading down the hallway I make the decision to take the elevator instead of the stairs up the single floor to the parking garage. Ever since college people who take the elevator right next to the stairs for anything less than 5 floors have annoyed me to no end. In college I lived on the 7th and 16th floor and had to wait endlessly for people to get off the elevator on floors 1-5 and it just bugged me. I'd ask them "is you knee hurt?" or "feet are sore, eh?" and really try to shame them into dragging their lazy butts up the stairs so I wouldn't have to wait for them. But there I was, deciding to use the elevator because my legs were still worn out from the weekend.
So the door opens and there are 5 co-workers of mine, riding the elevator back from lunch... and there's me, Mr. MS150 biker, Mr. Marathon-man, Mr. Mucho-Macho, riding the elevator en-route to a giant double grease, bacon burger. MMMm.... and that burger was good.
I almost ran last night... but it was raining and I got a reprieve--or an excuse.

Tomorrow, 6 miles. I plan on running that.


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