Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Thanks to the unusual glowing ball that is hanging in the sky when I get off work now days I should be able to make a trek out of doors tomorrow evening and actually get some exercise.  The current plan is to bike about 13 miles after work, then whip off a quick mile down the way and back.

That is, of course, if the weather holds.

And, of course, if I feel like running after getting off the bike. 

Place your bets now.  The ride is almost a lock, but the odds of the run actually happening are somewhere close to 50/50.



Meanwhile, what’s with the (>|<) button on elevators?  Those don’t work—ever.  Why do they even have them installed?  I mean, the (<|>) button always works.  Hit that sucker and the doors practically fly back open.  Hell, if you stand close to the button the doors fly open.  But try and make them snap back shut by hitting the (>|<) button and what happens?  Nothing.  That’s what.  A big, fat nothing.  I think they put those in there just to make us feel comfortable.  Like… parachutes on space ships, or something.  Or seats that turn into floatation devices.

And what’s up with those?  What, just in case you’ve managed to survive a plunge from 30,000 feet into shark infested waters and you wanted to float around a bit before you died, your friendly neighborhood airplane designer thought of you and decided to help you out?  He made sure your seat would float. 

It’s not like he could have thought of having your seat turn into a helium balloon to maybe, oh, I don’t know, help to prevent you from crashing into the giant planet zooming up at you. 

Or maybe a parachute.  Or a tiny little airplane. 

No, a floatation device, so the shark food can float on the surface. 

Thanks, bunches.


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