Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Triathlon postponed

Due to inclement weather, my Triathlon has been postponed—indefinitely.

I currently have no power, but I have water and ice, so we can live without power for the foreseeable future.  I’m not at all worried about that.

I am worried about getting the little one back into pre-school.  If he doesn’t get back to school, the missus doesn’t get back to school, then we have problems.


All in all, though, with the beautiful weather we’re having lately, we can go on like this for a considerable amount of time.  We’re not missing the TV (I’m missing the internet at home a little bit), we’re not missing the lights, we’re not missing cooking in the kitchen—we had grill-top spaghetti last night.


Galveston, on the other hand, got boned.  Hard.  That little island has 3 entry points and all of them looked completely trashed.  So even if they had utilities, there would be no way to get to the island.  And before they can get utilities, they have to clear out the garbage from the entry points.  And before they get trucks rumbling up and down the roads, they have to cut—and fix—the gas lines lest there be a giant boom coming from the end of I-45.  That’s a rough situation.  Luckily for them, there’s room here in Houston.  Our door is open and they’re welcome as long as they need to stay—just as old New Orleans residents who are new Houston residents.


I’m expecting to have power back at the casita either today or tomorrow, based on the progress that has been made in other neighborhoods.  Gas, on the other hand, is going to be the ongoing concern.  Until regular supplies of “regular” are made available, there’s going to be big trouble in little neighborhood.



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