Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Another day, another pound

So, a few weeks back I swam 800m and that was a big deal for me.  It took every bit of 45minutes to swim that distance.  A week later I swam it with no problem and plenty of time to spare.  Last night I swam 1100m in the same amount of time.  That's over a kilometer!  And since those are metric units they mean nothing to me at all.
Anyway, it's the end of August.  I've got one more weekend before the "real" training begins.  We're having barbeque on Labor Day, so I may actually give back some of the weight I've lost, but if all goes well I should be around 197 or 196 by the end of the weekend, which is pretty close to where I wanted to be.
At the very least, all the weight I'm losing will make me look pretty good in a dress in the off chance I fail to finish this year.


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