Monday, August 08, 2005

Pushing the Envelope

Last year I ran my first 10k in November. Saturday (the 6th) I ran my first 10k this year. I'm fully 3 months ahead of last year.
I also went home and rode another 13miles. That was the first time in a long time I've felt really, really, really tired getting off the bike. It was a really, really, really good feeling. The physical exertion (about 2 hours worth) was equivalent to a half marathon... or maybe closer to 10 miles. Either way, a good, physically strong, tireing workout.
2 cool things happened while running:

Cool Thing 1.: I started 10 minutes behind the "slow" running group with the Houston Fit running club and about 10 minutes ahead of the next fastest group. It's a pretty lonely feeling when you're on the road all alone passing the occasional person (that was pretty cool, passing people). But in the last running of the marathon there were good, long stretches of just me and the pavement, so I guess it was good training.
The cool thing that happened was the second group never caught me. Even cooler was that I caught the first group! That's right, I'm running stronger than I was last year and I'm actually running faster than I was last year.

Cool Thing 2.: I had my first endorphine rush while running. Last week I felt a little something after I ran, but figured it was just oxygen returning into my system. This week there was an actual rush right around the mid point! That was pretty cool.

I still hate running, but it's definately ticking its way up the list of things I'd rather not be doing. For example, I'd rather run than, say, get hit by a bus.

Maybe in a few days I'll write about the thing I did Saturday that was the coolest thing I've ever done on a bike. I'm pretty sure it's something even Lance Armstrong hasn't done.

Tonight was supposed to be swimming, but I've got a guy coming over to give estimates on new windows for my house. Tomorrow I'm going to a ball game. So, Wednesday is either biking or swimming.
This is officially my first skipped workout.


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