Thursday, October 06, 2005

September wasn't really that bad of a month

I know I didn't feel like running hardly at all during September, and I mostly hated it, but I just added up my distances and here's what I found:
July:  7 Miles (2 days)
August: 25 Miles (5 days)
September:  33 Miles (6 days)
I know, I know...  I ran as far in all of September as Jessica did in 2 weeks, but I say that's just 'cause I'm smarter (just kidding, I won't be able to outrun you if you decide to come kick my ass).  My point is that even with all my bitching and moaning, September wasn't any worse than August.
What's that odd feeling I'm getting...  is it..  motivation?
I'm off to Memorial park for another 3 miles.


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