Monday, December 19, 2005

Final stretch

I haven’t completed the blogroll from the weekend’s long run, but if anyone got up on Saturday to run in that muck and nastiness, any performance was a manly performance.  I’m anxious to see how it all went, because, as you can guess, I slept through most of the period when ya’ll were running.  And as I woke up from my second nap of the morning I commentedo my lovely wife “most of them should be done with the 21 miler by now… I bet they’ll be glad to get back to the car”.  Then I went and had a snack.


For exercise, I did chop a little wood in the back yard.  I call that cross training.


But alas, we’re in the final stretch… less than a month to go.


I have maybe 1 more “long” run scheduled for roughly 10 miles on Christmas weekend if I can find a route and the time to do it.


I’m at the point where I don’t think there’s anything I can do to really help my chances, but there’s plenty I can do to hurt them.  I’m not sure how much I was really faltering at the end of the 30k run and how much was just my brain getting in the way of my body running.  Can another 8 miles materialize in less than a month?  Can I finally convince myself to just run and quit looking at the mile markers?  Can I get past the mental barriers?


Yes.  Duh.


But can I do it by January 15?  That’s the real question.  Of course it can be done… people do these things all the time.  But can it be done by me next month?  I say yes.  It has to be done… I’m not going to have time to train for a marathon next year.


The longest distance remains not on the pavement, but in my mind.  The will to train trumps the will to finish.  Run fatty, run!


Blogger jen said...

Yes, I was quite manly on Saturday morning. :)

11:40 AM  
Blogger Tiggs said...

I haven't done a real run for 7 whole days!!! I'm feeling like a slug!! So far my longest is 7 miles and the half is in 28 days! I'll be ready!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm training for the half, but saw pics from our group's 21-miler on Saturday. Crazy people out there not only running...but in shorts...and a couple of the guys were shirtless! Insane.

5:16 PM  

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