Monday, January 26, 2009

Ok, ok... I have a really good excuse this time

You see, what had happened was…


It was like this…


On Friday there was this…




Ok, I overslept.  Simple as that.  The sun rose, I did not.  Next thing I know, it’s 8:30 and I’m slowly lifting my head thinking “two and a half hours to 6 o’ clock”.  Of course, time doesn’t run backwards and I had missed the opening bell and gun and pinkie swore and promised that I’d get out and run later that afternoon.


I have a good excuse for not doing that run, too.  I forgot.


Then I swore I’d run on Sunday just to have a time to post.


I didn’t.


So, I SWEAR I’ll run tomorrow night (tonight is class, so no running tonight).  For sure.  No excuses.


Unless aliens abduct me or werewolves attack or something.


But I DID get the rest of my seeds in the ground, watered the garden, planted the flowering pest control plants, turned the compost (I so DESPERATELY NEED green materials to add), made some very, very bad bread, and finished making that gumbo I’ve been waiting to tear into for about a week.  All in all, a very, very productive and relaxing weekend.


Besides, I still have time to train for that Rodeo run (even if registration gets more expensive in 2 weeks).  Those 6 miles will be my opening salvo across the bow of the 2010 marathon.  2010 is going to be a big year—marathon, MBA, uh…  other stuff (maybe).  Hey, I’ll be completing 2 marathons in the same year (with the MBA counting as one, come on, people, keep up!).


Blogger K said...

So how was last night's run?

There is a run this Saturday, Bill Crews Remission 5K. It could redeem you!

I'll meet you there!

12:00 PM  

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