Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Interesting thing

Ok, so today is the day I’m supposed to go out and intentionally overdue it so that I’ll be done with the pain once and for all based on the “That sprain is worse than a break” logic.

Let me explain briefly:

I had a nagging pain in my legs.  It’s not unexpected—I’ve had it last year and the year before.  The problem is that it’s a precursor to real pain that knocks me out for a solid week.  My worry was that the low level nagging pain would hang around for a long time when the last couple of years I decided to “fight through”, made it worse, was on my back for a few days, and then it was all gone for ever and ever (until the next year).  The nagging pain would suck my training efficiency down, while the sharp pain would be done and gone, so I decided to bring on the sharp done-and-gone pain.


However, an interesting thing happened today that I totally wasn’t expecting.

This morning I’m pretty much pain free.

So, I’m laying in bed this morning before the morning stretches wondering when the last time I really felt the pain was.  It was probably Monday morning, but not Monday afternoon.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday is 3 days.  3.5 if you count Monday morning.  Monday afternoon, Tuesday, and Wednesday is 2.5 days.  If the rule of thumb is 1 day off for every 1 day of pain, then tomorrow evening I should be good to go for a run.


So, true to form I’m skipping today’s workout in favor of more stretching and tomorrow evening I’ll hit the track again to see how the pegs are holding up.  Then, if everything checks out I’ll hit the RTW on Saturday as my last weekend “short run”, and maybe I’ll even work in a double workout for the first time in my life and run Saturday afternoon.



Ps:  the little prince slept for 7 hours last night.  The AC gets fixed this weekend and the little prince gets his own room by the end of the month.  Now, if only he will learn to read and understand English so that he can get on the same plan as his parents.


Blogger Unknown said...

Glad the pain is gone. Now RUN!!!

1:11 PM  

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