Friday, March 17, 2006

Pondering concluded

You’ve had a couple of days to ponder what men want.

So have I.

Now I have an answer.

But I’m not telling.



Just kidding.

I exposed a few days back the most romantic line from a movie ever—“You make me want to be a better man”.  It’s the most romantic line because it essentially embodies in 9 words exactly what women want, that is, men in character not merely gender.  So, what do men want?

That’s easy.  I discovered it while being actively petrified over the prospect (still a 50/50 prospect) that my little bundle of joy will be a baby girl.  Men want women in character, not merely gender.

But there’s a catch, and a catch is that makes me actively petrified over the prospect (still 50/50) of raising a little girl.  Society despises the values and traits that make a woman a woman in character and not merely gender.  Men are expected to be men; women are expected to be female men or merely physical toys.  As female men they’re looked at as second class citizens (cheap copies of the genetically authentic male men) and are compensated accordingly; as physical toys they’re not even regarded with basic humanity but are bought, sold, traded, and generally passed around.  Females of the species are not expected to be, nor encouraged to be, women in character by general society.  There are a thousand voices telling women what they should be, but not a single one saying “be a woman, it’s ok”.  In fact, it’s more than ok; it’s what men really want.



The shoulder is almost completely pain free.  It was a good pain, but I don’t really want it again.  It’s currently a 75% chance that I’ll be at the Tour de Houston and the weather has no bearing on that at all.  I’ll probably sign up for the 40 miler and if I do there’s a good chance I’ll ride the 70 anyway—the weather does have a bearing on that, though.


And they don’t hand out chips for bike rides.


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